So What's the Workshop of Doom Going to Be About?

I thought it would be a good idea to let kind followers and perusers of the offerings of the Workshop of Doom to know what I plan on posting about. I see the following categories as a way to organize my thoughts on what is holding my interest or to provide some additional resources to busy GM's. My posts will focus on one of these topics. Some may forcus on more than one (really love mapping and tables). I will add categories as I go along, but this is a good place to start. So lets see what I am thinking:

  • Scuttlebutt - What's happening around the OSR 
  • Great Games – My Current Favorites
  • Sandbox Gaming - Resources for Sandbox GMs
  • Being A Better GM - Thoughts on GMing
  • On Rules - Rules and Rulesets
  • Lets Talk Genres - Thoughts on genres in gaming. Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Post Apoc, Horror, and anything else
  • World Building - Ramblings on World Building
  • Table Setting – A new Table for busy GMs
  • For Maps Sake - Maps, Mapping, links to great mapping
  • Adventure Lies In Front - Short adventures for OSR gaming. 

I also plan to add tabs for Sci Fi - A to Z, Fantasy A to Z, and Post Apoc A to Z.

I must admit, I get distracted by all the many things in life, so the occasional and scatterbrained part of this whole thing is accurate. But my goal is to post as often as it strikes me to do so, hopefully a minimum of once a week, maybe more. 
