Scuttlebutt #1: What’s happening out there in the RPG World?

Hello fellow tinkerers! This is the first installment of Scuttlebutt. This is just the ole Leadaddict combing through the interwebs, youtube, blogosphere, and any other place there are things happening about RPG’s. I am not an investigative reporter, but I do surf the web too much. So I thought I would collect the things I saw that were interesting and drop a comment and a link to those things for your use. I am going to do this monthly, with anything special happening on an as needed basis. So how about a quick half dozen on the first installment.

Scuttlebutt 6/20/2023:

  •  Kevin Crawford has dropped a wish list item for me in his weekly updates for his Kickstarter campaign for Cities Without Number, his cyberpunk rules for his …Without Number series of exceptional games. From the update, “I've been reflecting on what to do next after this, and given the repeated queries, I've decided to run a reprint Kickstarter for my Worlds Without Number fantasy game to get another batch of offset print copies into my webstore. I'll likely launch it promptly after your books are shipped to you and the CWN KS is wrapped; I'd expect it to happen before the year is out.” This is great news. I never got an offset edition of Worlds Without Number and have been holding out to buy a printed version as offset. For those who love gorgeous, well made game books, and you don’t have Worlds Without Number. This is your second chance.
  • One of my favorite youtubers is Dungeon Craft. Its been a continuingly great source of thought leadership on playing and running great RPG games. The proprietor of Dungeon Craft, Professor DM, has proposed the following for July for bloggers and youtubers: July is Independent TTRPG month. This is something I can easily get behind and support. So try something new or be youtubing or blogging about the endless amounts of Independent Published RPG content and games. Done. Here’s the Professor’s post: (3) July is Independent TTRPG Month! Join us! (Ep #334) - YouTube
  • A couple weeks old, but Ben Milton’s Kickstarter for Knave 2nd Edition finished on June 1st and was a smashing success at almost $650,000! He has been working hard at working through draft editions. The latest version was posted up last week. Fingers crossed on continued progress and finishing up by the end of the year.
  • If you have been banging around in the blogosphere and OSR for any number of years, I am sure you have run into Johnn Four and his amazing Roleplaying Tips. First started as an email sign up newsletter, Johnn has really done some amazing work in the DM space. Please check out his site. Role Playing Tips for Tabletop Game Masters You will not be disappointed.

That’s it for the first installment. Much more to come. When I come across it, I will feed it to the Workshop. Happy gaming!
