Table Setting #9 - Random Sci Fi and Cyberpunk Bar/Night Club/Dive Table

Everyone needs to get some R&R when getting done with that difficult run/mission/assignment/orders and needs to blow off some steam. Or a place to blow that card full of credits you just got. Or needs to get some intel on that local hightech gunner. Just head to your local bar. So here's a chart to help the DM let you know what kind of joint is available outside of that scrap yard you just sold that boosted trawler to.

What Kind of Joint Is It? (D100 roll)

01-17 Dive
18-25 Local Joint
26-30 Dance Club
31-45 Ethnic Bar
46-50 Racial Bar
51-60 Street Joint
61-65 Supper Club
66-68 Sex Club
69-72 Holoclub
73-82 Cantina
83-92. Nightclub
92-95. Luxury Club
96-97 Gangster/Organized Crime Bar
98-99 Fight Club/Gladiator Club/Animal Fights
100 Mega Club

Dive – A Dive is a low rent, lower class, dangerous place. Usually found in the back alleys, under basements, lower levels and in the seedier parts of town. Most dives are under 1000sf big (avg 20'x 50'), a single owner/bartender, no waitresses, a long bar the whole length of the building with 3-4 small tables, and rudimentary menu of light (crappy) food and snacks. Dives are intimate and are good places to meet contacts, plan jobs, and gather local info. Dives also tend to be filled with dangerous drunks, drug addicts, and end of the roaders. Almost anything is available here for a price. But the quality and reliability leaves a little to be desired.

Local Joint – Local Joints are typical bars catering to the neighborhood where it is. Filled with patrons on most nights from the neighborhood or hab block, local joints are good places to gather info on local goings on and people. Ranging in size from about 600 sf to 3000sf, local joints usually have ample room to sit, booths, a long bar, a bartender, and a couple of overworked waitresses. They also serve local drink favorites and food.

Dance Club - Dance Clubs are loud, thumping, swirling, places of joy, mania, and illicit substances. Pulsing and flashing colorful lighting and very loud music that can be felt in your bones are characteristics as is way over-priced drinks, beautiful but broken waitresses, and the young wealthy peacocking around to be seen. Large in size from 10-100,000sf, dance clubs are often multiple stories. Often a front for some other business or organization, it is hard to have conversation here unless you pay for the privilege of privacy. Staffed by 3-6 bartenders, 6-20 wait staff and bottle servicers, bouncers at the front and back entrances, and security of 10-20. 
Ethnic Bar - This is a local joint that is modest in size, 500-2,000sf whose patrons are from a specific ethnic background or area. These bars are often simply local joints in ethnic areas, but you will also find them in resettled areas where significant ethnic migration has taken place. Not generally welcoming or open to other ethnicities or strangers. Ethnic bars are a good place to start a fight if you are not from the area. Usually staffed by a couple of bartenders and 3-4 waitresses. 

Racial Bar - A Racial Bar is similar to an Ethnic Bar where the bar is for one type of race humanity is a race). In the edges, fringes, and outer rims of explored space where alien races come in contact with and even mingle with whatever dominant species, racial bars are havens for those minority groups. They are a place to interact with their own kind in the traditions and particulars of their culture. The flip side of racial bars are that they are often exclusionary and do not want or outright do not allow other races in the premises. This can obviously be a point of conflict. Racial Bars are extremely varied to very small hideouts to full night club/restaurant/hotel experience. 

Street Joint - Street Joints are bars that have walk up seating on the edge of the sidewalk or street, there is no inside. Often accompanied by some type of street food, the stools face a raised long bar with an awning overhead for protection from the weather. Usually serviced by 1 or 2 bartenders/cooks. Economical and simple, they are a favorite of locals. 
Supper Club - A Supper Club is a high-end restaurant with a entertainment. It includes a stage and dance floor for performances. Usually, a pricey bill comes with the evening, as patrons usually stay for longer than a dinner. Great for impressing dates or clients, the Super Club Circuit is a well-known circuit for entertainers and musicians. Supper Clubs are usually between 10-50,000 sf and hold 30-500 people plus staff. there is a large wait and kitchen staff. Exclusive clubs have significant security as well. Supper Clubs pay well and so a lot of jobbers have jobs in supper clubs while they still work their side hustles. Additionally, ownerships of the clubs, like most large bars or entertainment venues are varied form organized crime, cults, wealthy families, or simply business owners. 

Sex Club - The Sex Club has many names, many of which are offensive slang, be it brothel, whorehouse, flesh room, dungeon, heaven and hell, jizz palace, erotica club, and many more. They are as varied as any on this list, but at their heart they are places for sex workers to ply their trade, legally or illegally, for their mostly singular or often multiple clients. In some places they are accepted as a functioning part of the economy, in others they are hidden places for socially unacceptable (but extremely lucrative) behavior. Ripe with other vices, abuses, and crime, sex clubs are often the last place for lost, abused, and desperate people. They vary in size. Most have a front of house for light entertaining, drinking, illicit substance use and a back of house for sex work. They will always have someone running the place and security of some kind. The real 'Boss' of the operation is rarely if ever at the club, and everyone who works there ultimately answers to them. They can be found in some form in almost every settlement, town, city, station, outpost or fleet.

Holoclub - A Holoclub is a high-tech experiential club. Outfitted with numerous holo projectors and AI simulations, a holoclub often is a type of dance club. With hologrohic projections of people, animals, fetishes, and anything as weird or bizarre as can be programmed. Some holoclubs are night clubs with holo performers. And some can also be more intimate for single people (dinner clubs) who desire companionship that feels real (or not depending on their interests) but has no physical entanglements or risks. Emotional entanglement may be formed of course, which are the most lucrative for the clubs.  Holoclubs require high power and technology to function correctly and so are expensive to run, are not typically found on the edges of populated space, and are typically higher end and exclusive. Holoclubs need not only floor space for the club, but server rooms for technology. The great clubs have holo-jockeys who can manipulate, create, and program holograms on the fly. Holo-jockeys are social media darlings and great ones are famous stars.

Cantina - A come one come all kind of joint. Cantinas have a centralized bar with 1 or 2 bartenders, and a few wait staff. They offer modest and local drinks and usually local food as well. Prices are modest. There is usually some type of music playing at all times, and they can have live acts as well. Not a high tech place. Just the basics. They are usually comfortable and well-worn places, with seats at the bar, tables with a light, or more secluded booths lining the walls. Cantinas are blue collar kind of places and are typically a reflection of their clientele.  They are found where there are workers, shift workers, or lots of turnover and high foot traffic like docks, starports, warehousing, manufacturing, and military bases. They vary in size from small (1000sf - 20'x50') to large (20,000sf - 100'x200'). depending on size there will a bouncer who works security for the whole place, or in large cantinas where fights break out (and they do) there will be security staff of doormen, bouncers, and guards. The owner of most cantinas can be found slinging drinks behind the bar. Larger operations have offices where the owner works and can observe his place. Some, depending on its location, have private rooms upstairs for conducting 'business'. Some have the owners living quarters about the cantina. And others have accommodations for travelers attached (above or adjacent) to the cantina. 

Nightclub - A night club is the most typical bar in a city. It is a night time only place that doesn't open until 7-8:00 at night and stays open until 5-6:00 in the morning. A mix of drinking, social interaction, flirting, dancing, using illicit drugs, deal making, peacocking, and hooking up all happen at a typical nightclub. A nexus of all kinds of people, beautiful and plain, young and old, rich and poor, nightclubs are the for partying. There can also be a sinister undertone for some nightclubs as patrons can be predator or prey. They are prolific and sprout up quickly like mushrooms on piles of rotting timber. And often they are gone just as quick. Most are short run things lasting months. Success is a club that runs for a couple of years. Clubs that run longer have a backer of some kind. Nightclubs vary from 1,000sf to 100,000sf depending on the city and the owner. There are multiple bars in most nightclubs, each staffed with 3-4 bartenders (volume sales), lots of wait staff, a full security team, and specialty sales people hocking special drinks, snacks, stimulants, body art, etc. There is at least one dance floor and a DJ platform that doubles as stage. There is back of house for storage, and beverage service and distribution. Ownership typically have a suite of rooms for observation of the club, entertaining, and personal safety and security. Owners will always have a bodyguard. 

Luxury Club - A luxury club is an exclusive club that is impossible to experience except by the wealthy and connected. A place for wealthy families, successful businesspeople, and the politically connected to not have to interact with those not at their station. Often combining restaurant service, with the finest bar service and selection, Luxury Clubs are where the wealthy take their spouses for an evening out. They take their mistresses to nightclubs, mega clubs, and cantinas. Usually in expensive real estate, they often have spectacular views and amenities that only money can buy. Luxury clubs require formal attire unless you are so wealthy you can simply tip and bribe your way out of it. Private booths, tasting rooms, and group rooms are available. Warm lighting and impeccable furnishings compliment the high-end patrons. Music is usually from a live performer(s). Noise is soft and never above conversation level. Much business gets done at Luxury Clubs, either at lunch or over dinner. Owners vary but tend to be wealthy businesspeople, organized crime, or those seeking to be close to the wealthy and connected for their own personal gain. Most clubs are modest in size compared to others on this list. Ranging from 5,000sf to 50,000sf for some of the more opulent spaces. Highly staffed, Luxury clubs include staff for a full service bar and restaurant, as well as significant kitchen and cleaning staff, and special staff for catering to patrons needs and whims.

Gangster/Organized Crime Bar - A bar that is the home turf of an organized crime or gang. They are as varied as the groups that own and run them. Some are clubhouses for their groups, some are business fronts to launder or hide operations of the organization, and some are vanity to show off to their rivals or build clout. All will have members throughout the bar/restaurant/club who can bring the resources of the organization to bear on anyone in the place. 

Fight Club - A modern version of the coliseum, fight clubs are places for gambling on and watching personal, and often deadly combat between two people. There are many variations. Some are illegal basement joints where straight up brutality is the name of the game. Others are legal and sanctioned, non-lethal combat competitions. There are many fight gyms, dojos, and training guilds. and when coupled with marketing and media, fight clubs, and the fighting itself can be a very lucrative business. For most it is not. For most it is a onetime payday and a remaining lifetime of pain, dismemberment, being crippled, infirmed, or death. Fights are generally classified as Unaugmented, Augmented, or Open. Fighting in an Unaugmented fight with augments is universally agreed to be punishable by death. Clubs usually have a pit or fighting floor, sometimes elevated, sometimes recessesed in the floor that is surrounded by seats or standing room only for watching the fights. There are wager booths that dispense bet tickets, and the walls are usually covered with monitors displaying the pit, as well as upcoming fights, odds, media, etc. There are very few legitimate fight businesses and it is rife with corruption and organized crime. But that corruption is kept behind the scenes so as not to taint the betting on the fights.   

Mega Club - Often a building sized experience, Mega Clubs are multi-story amalgamations of Dance Clubs, Supper Clubs, Holo Clubs, Night Clubs and Luxury Clubs. They have a layered hierarchy of security for each area, often exclusivity increases with height. Central atriums and balconies exist throughout so that the overall overwhelming experience of the club can be felt by all. In zero grav mega clubs, the central space may be built around a zero grav dance floor and performance space sizes of mega clubs varies, but minimum size lands around the 250,000sf. Upper end is unlimited but can be to the size of a building, a space liner, or a space station. Staffed by hundreds of people. There is nothing that couldn't be found in a mega club if one were to look hard enough. 
proprietors are often dangerous people or organizations, corporations, wealthy families or industrialists. 
