Cryptic Cartography #1 - The Azure Tomb of Hemnon III

Since I love maps so much, I thought I would drop some of the old Lead Addicts' own to maps in to the Workshop of Doom. Some will be old school sketches on paper, some will be drawn digitally in Photoshop or Procreate, and maybe an isometric or 3d model or two. 

I have so many resources and programs for mapping, I think it would be good to explore them so followers can see some of them in action.

Up first: The Azure Tomb.

Drawn in Procreate, with some additional details added from Map Effects. A simple 5 room dungeon (just five rooms, not a 'Five Room Dungeon').

Here is a possible framework for the Tomb:

Hidden in the side of a nondescript rocky hill, and covered by a landslide centuries ago, a simple stone entrance of three stones is sealed by a slab of bluish stone. This is the entry to The Azure Tomb of King Hemon III, Last of the Ninians. Once the slab is removed, a set of laid stone stairs descends along a faded blue corridor into the darkness.

The Tomb has four chambers and three galleries. The entry chambers is a large room with a raised dais, statues, braziers and a sunken fire pit in the center. Tapestries and benches line the wall. To the east is the guardians gallery, filled with armored statues. To the east of the guardians gallery is the burial chamber (false). It is filled with all provisions for the afterlife, including huge vases of wine, casks of mead, crates of food, long ago rotten. Through the double bronze covered doors is the chamber of Hemon III. Rising six steps to a platform, an ornate hammered bronze casket sits at the top, behind which stands a large guardian statue. This is the false tombchamber of Hemon. 

To the north, is a mosaic lined gallery depicting the panoply of the Ninian gods, assisting Hemon III to the afterlife. This gallery 'T's' into a second gallery depicting the life and great things that Hemon did in his life. Bronze bas relief single doors are at either end of the hall. To the west, a large chamber has a fire pit in the middle with unburned wood. In each coffer of the room guardian statues on raised plinths line the western walls. To the east a similar chamber to the west lies in what was a well-lived in chamber covered with dust. A burned out firepit lies in the center of the chamber. Surrounding it are brittle piles of bedding with desiccated bodies of priests and attendants. Empty crates and storage vases line the north and south walls, some shattered and turned over. Rotten tapestries line the walls. Hidden behind floor to ceiling heavy rotting curtains to the north, the south, and the east, are alcoves hidden from view.

The true tombchamber of Hemon III, Last of the Ninians lies behind a secret door at the 'T' of the galleries of Hemon and the Ninian Gods. Inside the chamber is the true burial chamber and body of Hemon. A simple limestone sarcophagus holds the remains of Hemon in the center of the chamber, while guardian statues flank the sarcophagus in niches to the east and west. To the north is Hemon's gilt throne, ready for his ascendency in the afterlife.

Many lost stories of Hemon's cruelty, avarice, and greed can be found in long forgotten volumes in dusty libraries. As can be his dabbling in dark and mysterious magics and their agents. What would also be in Hemon's tomb besides his remains is not known...

Click on the image for a full size version. The grid embedded in the drawing is 1 square equals 5'.  
