Great Games #1 – What a Time to be Alive


Welcome Workshoppers! This is the first installment of Great Games. I know that’s a loaded phrase since its so subjective, but what else is a blog about if not subjectivity? I wanted to do a series of pieces on the games that have and are affecting myself and my gaming group. What has been fun, challenging, a riot? This series will not be about journalistic or exhaustive game reviews, there are plenty of those out there for every game published. I wanted to explore what those games that just get in your psyche. Some are pure nostalgia. Some seem like they could be outstanding, but you never have gotten the chance or had the right group for maximum enjoyment. And what is really fun I am playing now? All of these are on the table. It’s a true renaissance for gaming and OSR gaming especially.

Some games on my mind:

  • Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC, Lankhmar, Dying Earth, Empire of the East)
  • Mutant Crawl Classics
  • Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea (Hyperborea)
  • Into the Odd
  • Knave
  • Mothership
  • Advanced Labyrinth Lord
  • EZd6
  • Shadowdark
  • Stars without Number
  • Worlds without Number
  • Cities without Number
  • White Star
  • Silent Legions
  • B/X D&D

I am going to touch on these and what ever games come into my orbit as I go. I obviously have a decided OSR bent to me interests. Hope you enjoy.

Lead Addict
