Table Setting #2 - Flora and Fauna of the Wilderness - Flora

Hello Acolytes! As I look out of the window in the Workshop of Doom, summer in the middle country is in full effect, and I am struck by the lushness and overwhelming green. So, as we think about what happens in our players journeys through the landscapes of our worlds, the flora and fauna of those landscapes help add flavor, setting, character and context to our hero's experience. Additionally, these can be used for adventure hooks from alchemists, wizards, and enterprising merchants looking to get their hands on the elusive [insert flora or fauna here]. This will start an ongoing Table Setting series on random tables for Flora and Fauna of the Wilderness, based on wilderness type. 

Today I present a set of tables and an example list of Flora generated from them. This table set is for generating random Flora for any wilderness type. I will assemble sets of tables for flora and fauna based upon wilderness type so you can easily develop terrain type specific tables for flora, fauna, random encounters in the next installments.

To generate random flora, roll a d30 on Table 1. This roll will give you a flora name pattern for Table 2. The pattern references the columns in Table 2. After determining the pattern, roll a d30 for each column indicated in the pattern in Table 2. This will generate a random flora for fun and booty! Enjoy.

And a couple of bonus tables to go with them. What about the Use of the flora/plant? What about its Value or Rarity? Here you go:

A couple of examples: 

#1 Rolls:4, 15, 8, 10,12, 14 = B+E, Rust, Purse, Seasoning, Minimal Value, Common. So the plant is : Rust Purse, a Common Seasoning of Minimal Value.

#2 Rolls: 20, 30, 19, 29, 6, 26, 20 = C+B+E, God's, Pink, Leaf, Healing, Good Value, Common. So the plant is : God's Pink Leaf, a Common plant of Good Value because of its Healing properties.

#3 Rolls: 5, 18, 29, 11, 16, 1, 26 , 27 = B+C+D+E, Gray, Wizard's, Biting, Shrub, Potions, Good Value, Rare. So the plant is : The Gray Wizard's Biting Shrub, a Rare plant and Good Value because of its use in making Potions.

Reroll any table outcomes that don't fit or make sense and have fun. Happy Tabling 
