Table Setting #11 - Flora and Fauna of the Wilderness - Mountains



Encounters happen occasionally in the Mountains and mountainous regions. They have pockets of life around water sources, lairs, caves and caverns, forts, remote towns, under cities of the dwarves, mines, and in the lost, buried or forgotten ancient civilizations that live(d) or worshipped here. It is a harsh environment. Below the tree line, great pine and spruce forests provide shelter and resources to survive. Above the tree line is a different story. It is here that the ability to shelter in the cold and snowy reaches is almost impossible on the surface. And so those who live and thrive here have mostly gone underground. And there are lots of places to hide. Many who wanted to never be seen again travel to the mountainous regions to be forgotten. And many of those are simply swallowed up by a harsh and unforgiving land. 

To roll for encounters in the mountains: roll 1d6 every 4 hours while in the Mountains. On a roll of 1 the party has encountered something different, interesting, or potentially a conflict. Roll 1d30 – 1-10 is a Flora Encounter; 11-20 is a Fauna Encounter; 21-30 is an Environmental Encounter. Roll 1d30 on the appropriate table to determine encounter.

Flora were determined using the Flora and Fauna of the Wilderness Tables in the Table Setting #2 post on this blog.

Flora of the Mountains, Roll 1d30

  1. Magenta Swallow’s Quaking Grass – Mundane, Good Value, Uncommon
  2. Grabbing Night Leaf   - Brewing/Distilling, Minimal Value, Uncommon
  3. Blushing Dragon’s Tree – Rare/Collectible, High Value, Extremely Rare
  4. Colossal Autmn Purse – Potions, Minor Value, Uncommon
  5. Hairy Winter Praying Shrub – Edible, Minimal Value, Common
  6. Shimmering Lamb’s Tail Bush – Healing, Minor Value, Uncommon
  7.  Vermillion Berry – Fabric Dye, Good Value, Uncommon
  8. Violet Wizard’s Stick – Spell Component, High Value, Rare
  9. Beetle’s Tree – Potions, Minor Value, Uncommon
  10. Sapphire Running Fruit – Rare/Collectible, Major Value, Rare
  11. Nodding Mallow – Habitat, Some Value, Common
  12. Yellow Boar’s Sedge – Drug/Alchemy, Minor Value, Uncommon
  13. Rust Lichen – Spell Component, Major Value, Rare
  14. Hidden Ball – Spell Component, Minor Value, Rare
  15. Layered Bush – Habitat/Mundane, Minimal Value, Common
  16. Dangling Golden Shimmering Mass – Potions, Good Value, Rare
  17. Gray Fly’s Shrub – Brewing/Distilling, Some Value, Common
  18. Crow’s Blue Vine – Fabric Dye, Good Value, Uncommon
  19. Pink Bug’s Quaking Weed – Fabric Dye, Good Value, Rare
  20. Night Skink’s Branching Weed – Habitat/Mundane, Major Value, Uncommon
  21. Possum’s Cracking Bush – Foodstuff/Edible, Some Value, Uncommon
  22. Lamb’s Wet Bobbing Grass – Healing, Good Value, Uncommon
  23. Green Burning Shrub – Spell Component, High Value, Extremely Rare
  24. Spring Pad – Spring Pad, Minor Value, Uncommon
  25. Smooth Blue Flower – Fabric Dye, Good Value, Uncommon
  26. Dewey Winter Stag – Brewing/Distilling, Good Value, Uncommon
  27. Silver Stick – Spell Component, Major Value, Rare
  28. Creamy Nodding Purse – Foodstuff/Edible, Good Value
  29. Diamond Tree – Potions, Major Value, Rare
  30. Black Tick Tree – Drugs/Alchemy, Some Value, Uncommon 

Fauna of the Mountains Roll 1d30

  1. Bear, Grizzly - (HD 5) (1d4)
  2. Bugbear - (HD 3+1) (#2d4, 5d4)
  3. Chimera - (HD9) (#1-2)
  4. Cockatrice (HD 5) (# 1d4)
  5. Dragon, Red – (HD 10)(#1d4(1d4)
  6. Dragon, White – (HD 6)(#1d4(1d4)
  7. Elemental, Air - (HD 8, 12, 16) (#1)
  8. Elemental, Earth – (HD 6, 8, 12) (#1)
  9. Ettin – (HD10)(#1d3(1d4)
  10. Giant, Frost – (HD10+1)(1d2(1d4)
  11. Giant, Hill – (HD 8)(#1d4)
  12. Giant, Stone – (HD9)(#1d2(1d6)
  13. Gnoll – (HD2) (1d6(#3d6)
  14. Goblin – (HD 1-1) (#2d4(6d10)
  15. Griffon – (HD 7) (#1)
  16. Harpy – (HD3)(#1d6(2d4)
  17. Hawk, Giant - (HD3+3)(#0(1d3)
  18. Hippogriff – (HD3+1)(#0(2d8)
  19. Kobolds – (HD 1d4 hp) (#4d4,6d10)
  20. Lycanthrope – (Varies roll 1d6; 1-Werebear, 2-Wereboar, 3-Wererat, 4-Werestag, 5-Weremountain Lion, 6-Werewolf)
  21. Manticore (HD 6+1) (#1-2)
  22. Men, Bandit – (HD 1)(#1d10)
  23. Men. Nomad – (HD 1)(#1d10(1d20)
  24. Mountain Lion Cat (HD 3+2) (#1d4)
  25. Ogre - (HD 4+1) (#1d6, 2d6)
  26. Orc – (HD 1)(#2d4(1d6x10)
  27. Remorhaz – (HD7-14)(#1(1)
  28. Spider, Giant Trap Door - (HD 3) (#1)
  29. Spider, Phase - (HD5+5)(#1d4(1d4)
  30. Wyvern – (HD 7)(#1d2(1d6)

Environmental Encounters Roll 1d30

  1. Hunting Cabin – Intact cabin – Roll 1d30 – 1-15 Empty; 16-25 Empty but stocked with supplies(occupied but out); 26-30 Occupied by 1d6 Hunters.
  2. Weather – Roll on weather chart
  3. Small Burrowed Hole – Roll 1d30 – odds occupied, even empty. If occupied roll on Fauna Table
  4. Cave – A single cave entrance in the face of the mountainside. Roll 1d6: 1-Empty; 2-Occupied by humanoids; 3-Occupied by creature/fauna; 4-Entrance to deeper cave system; 5-Multiple Caves; 6-Entrance to hidden shrine/temple/ruin
  5. Outdoor Shrine - A small outdoor shrine to a god/pantheon. Roll 1d30: 1-15 – Known God(s); 16-25 – Petty Gods; 26-30 – Forgotten Gods
  6. Mountain Top Temple - An exposed, visible temple/temple complex - Roll 1d30: 1-10 – Occupied by temple worshippers/servants; 11-15 – Occupied by subverting Cult; 16-25 Empty; 26-30 – Occupied by interlopers (roll on Fauna Table)
  7. Small Settlement – Frontier Fort – 1d4x10 occupants
  8. Small Settlement – Hunters – 1d20 members
  9. Small Settlement – Miners – 1d6 members
  10. Ruined/Abandoned Mine – Roll 1d30: 1-15 – Occupied (Roll on Fauna Table); 16-20 – Empty; 21-30 – Overgrown (Roll on Flora Table)
  11. Ruin – Roll 1d30: 1-10 – Occupied (Roll on Fauna Table); 11-20 – Empty; 21-30 – Overgrown (Roll on Flora Table)
  12. Grave(s) – mounded grave. Roll 1d10 for #. Roll 1d30: 1-10 – Old; 11-20 – Recent; 21-30 – Empty
  13. Flat Top Hill (with ruined lookout) Roll 1d30: 1-10 – Occupied (Roll on Fauna Table); 11-20 – Empty; 21-30 – Overgrown (Roll on Flora Table)
  14. Humanoid Camp – A camp of monstrous humanoids who think they are alone. Roll 1d6:1-Kobolds; 2-Goblins; 3-Orcs; 4-Bugbears; 5-Gnolls; 6-Ogres
  15. Standing Stones – Figurative – Roll 1d10 for # of Stones. Roll 1d30 for type: 1-5-Humanoid Female; 6-10 - Humanoid Male; 11-15 – Animal; 16-20 - Monstrous Creature; 21-25 – Otherworldly; 26-30 - Unknowing  
  16. Standing Stones – Rune Covered - Roll 1d30: 1-10 – Ancient; 11-20 – Contemporary; 21-30 - Otherworldy
  17. Standing Stones – Menhir (single Stone) Roll 1d30 for type: 1-5- Huge, Smooth; 6-10 – Huge, Hard Angular; 11-15 – Huge, Organic; 16-20 – Large, Smooth; 21-25 – Large, Hard Angular; 26-30 – Large, Organic 
  18. Landslide! – Recent rain and erosion has created a weak area in the side slopes. Roll 1d30 for severity: 1-15 – minor slide – slide only affects 100’ wide area of slope, from hill top 1d10 feet down slope; 16-20 – large slide – affects 250’ wide area of slope, from hill top halfway down slope; 21-25 – major slide – affects 500’ wide area of slope, top of hill loses 1/3 of its area sliding down hill, slide starts at top to bottom of slope,  bottom of slope is buried in 2d10 feet of debris, 1d100’ out from slope, dust obscures area for 1d6 turns.; 26-30 – Catastrophic landslide – affects 1d4x1000’ wide slide, hill tops collapse in failure of slopes, hilltop drops 1d100’ of elevation, slide from top to bottom of slope, bottom of slope is buried in 2d20’ of debris, 2d100 feet out from slope, dust obscures area for 2d6 turns.
  19. Avalanche – Heavy snows up the mountains has created unstable snow on the side slopes. Roll 1d30 for severity: 1-15 – minor avalanche – only affects 100’ wide area of slope, from hill top 1d10 feet down slope; 16-20 – large slide – affects 250’ wide area of slope, from top halfway down slope; 21-25 – major avalanche – affects 500’ wide area of slope, slide starts at top to bottom of slope, bottom of slope is buried in 2d10 feet of snow and debris, 1d100’ out from slope, snow powder dust obscures area for 1d6 turns; 26-30 – catastrophic avalanche – affects 1d4x1000’ wide slope, slide from top to bottom of slope, bottom of slope is buried in 2d20’ of snow and debris, 2d100 feet out from slope, snow powder obscures area for 2d6 turns.
  20. Exile – A dwarven exile lives in a lonely hut/hovel/cave
  21. Bandit Camp - An impromptu camp in the wilderness of bandits. Roll 2d6 for # appearing
  22. An Explorers Camp – A camp of explorers who are searching for an ancient temple/entrance/ruin/Crypt. This is an academic group of explorers not plunderers(see Adventurer Camp). Roll 2d6 for # appearing
  23. Adventurer Camp – A camp of 4 adventurers (thief, fighter, wizard, cleric). Roll d6 for party level
  24. A Ranger Camp – A camp of Dwarven Rangers who are deep in revelry and brew. Roll 2d6 for number appearing
  25. Spring – A fresh water source
  26. Stream/Waterfall – A fast, fresh, flowing, rock water way that tumbles down the mountain. Roll 1d30 for width in feet
  27. Nest – The nest of a creature. Roll 1d30 on Fauna Table
  28. Lair – A lair of a creature of the Mountains. Roll 1d30 on Fauna Table
  29. Crypt – A long lost burial crypt. Roll 1d30: 1-10 – Ancient Noble; 11-20 – Ancient Priest; 21-30 – Ancient Warrior
  30. Heavy Fog and Mist – Heavy fog or mist lays on the area. Roll 1d30x10 for radius of fog. Roll 1d30: 1-20 – Obscures vision, visibility 10’ while in fog; 21-25 – Obscures vision, visibility 5’ while in fog, disorienting move in random direction; 26-30 – Obscures vision, disorienting, something is in the fog, visibility 5’ while in fog, disorienting move in random direction, Roll 1d30 on Fauna Table.
