Workshop of Doom - 1 Year Anniversary!

Hello Workshoppers! Well it's been One Year since I started this blog. Let's take a look at the Year in Review.

It has been a lot of fun trying to figure out what this is all about and where I would, could, and should devote time to posts, ideas and content. It has also been instructive about how my life, my work, my family, and my fun interact with blogging as well. There is a reason I label the Workshop as the blog of a Scatterbrained Alchemist. I have many loves and passions that compete for my free time. And looking at the flow of posts this last year, I could tell who was getting time and who wasn't.

Well we started with a good steady clip. That was the goal. Post once a week. Make it fun or interesting for me, and hopefully interesting, instructive, helpful, useful, or nostalgic for the reader. But set aside an amount of time to post regularly. That was important. Make it routine. But the tell of the tape tells another story doesnt it?

Started: May 4, 2023

Total Posts for Year: 35

Highest Number of Posts for a Month: (13) September 2023

Lowest Number of Posts for a Month: (0) August 2023, January, February, April 2024

I currently have the blog organized around Topics. And the one I have written the most about is Let's Talk Genres. It is the category that is dedicated to a specific Genre for a Season. The original list, Summer is for SciFi, Fall is for Fantasy, Winter is for Wasteland, and Spring is for Supers. It is an organizing principal that allows me to have some structure and focus on topics related to the genres I play the most, or at least like the most. 

It does not however align with where we actually game the most. That would be Fantasy - 80%, SciFi - 15%, Other - 5%. Like a lot of roleplaying groups, we are heavily skewed to Fantasy. But I love, love, love Sci Fi and Post Apocalyptic. And I think you can see that in the posts for the blog. Other than posting a bunch of tables for random generation of various things, I posted the most about Sci Fi this last year. Looking back there is a lot of good work there, and helpful too, I think.

As mentioned I did post a bunch of tables in the Table Setting topic. I do love a good table and a sandbox. So this is an infinite well for me. As a matter of fact I have about 30 draft posts for Table Setting I just need to write. And I could also bring in about 50 posts worth of info from all the Sandbox writing I have done over the years. I do need to finish the last two posts for the Flora and Fauna of the Wilderness Encounters. Those are taken directly from my latest fantasy sandbox play. The Wilderness encounters to date include: Broken Lands, Forests and Woodland, Grasslands, Hills and Foothills, and Mountains. I need to complete Coastlands and Swamps and Fens. 

Also interesting me is tables for what most people are calling carousing tables. My series is called Killing Time in Town. It is fantasy focused (for now) and is a meant to be a fun post-game or pregame for what did you do between sessions if you were holed up in town. It has a mini game for each of the traditional core classes - Thieves, Fighters, Magic Users, and Clerics. Subclasses would just use the primary class table. For Thieves its Pick Pocketing, small Heists, and Gathering Info. For Fighters its Training and Competing in Martial Contests. For Magic Users it's about Researching and Finding  Magical Lore. And for Clerics its about Devotion to the cause, and performing works for your Diety, God, or Patron. Then there is a general set of tables for carousing, gambling, drinking, and fun that can win you some gold, lose you some gold, increase your reputation or land you in the clink. And finally, a set of tables for shopping for oddities, baubles, and the occasional hidden find, magical or otherwise. The tables have lots of embedded hooks for the GM to utilize if they want, or they can just be for fun and risk taking, spending gold, and living the life Adventure.

I will continue to flesh out my personal Appendix N lists for Fantasy and Post Apoc reading. And I will beef up coverage of favorite games and mapping. Of course, mapping. 

Goals for the upcoming year include some more consistency. And averaging 1 post a week. If I can get to next May with 50 posts, I will be happy. 

For the first year of this blog, there have been no followers. Thats mostly because I haven't told anyone, not even my gaming group I am doing it. I will actively reach out this year and get a few followers, after all, I would like for some gamers to actually to see it. 

Be careful what you wish for.


The Lead Addict

