
Workshop of Doom - 1 Year Anniversary!

Hello Workshoppers! Well it's been One Year since I started this blog. Let's take a look at the Year in Review. It has been a lot of fun trying to figure out what this is all about and where I would, could, and should devote time to posts, ideas and content. It has also been instructive about how my life, my work, my family, and my fun interact with blogging as well. There is a reason I label the Workshop as the blog of a Scatterbrained Alchemist. I have many loves and passions that compete for my free time. And looking at the flow of posts this last year, I could tell who was getting time and who wasn't. Well we started with a good steady clip. That was the goal. Post once a week. Make it fun or interesting for me, and hopefully interesting, instructive, helpful, useful, or nostalgic for the reader. But set aside an amount of time to post regularly. That was important. Make it routine. But the tell of the tape tells another story doesnt it? Started: May 4, 2023 Total Posts

Let's Talk Genres - #13 - Spring is for Supers!

Winter is over!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from The Workshop of Doom

Let's Talk Genres #12 - Winter is for Wasteland!

Let's Talk Genres #11 - Fall is Over

Being a Better GM #3 - Prepping for a Sandbox Campaign

Cryptic Cartography #1 - The Azure Tomb of Hemnon III

Table Setting #11 - Flora and Fauna of the Wilderness - Mountains

Table Setting #10 - Flora and Fauna of the Wilderness - Hills and Foothills

Let's Talk Genres #10 - Fall is for FANTASY!

Let's Talk Genres #9 - Say Goodbye to Summer.

Let's Talk Genres #8 Tools for Sci Fi GMs - Sci Fi #7