The Workshop of Doom

A Blog by a scatterbrained alchemist.

The Workshop of Doom is the Blog of the Lead Addict, a scatterbrained alchemist of Tabletop Role Playing Games and worldbuilding.

I have been gaming since I was 10 years old and have been gaming and roleplaying for over 40 years. Not just tabletop RPG’s, but with serious stops on miniature gaming, video gaming, and board gaming along the way. But my first love, and longest, has always been TTRPG’s.

My feet are firmly planted in the original great RPG’s of my youth and the miraculous games of the OSR, but I am always curious about what new is happening in the world of RPG’s.

I love playing. That time with friends is pure gold. I have always enjoyed the Player Role, but I have been a Gamemaster since the beginning. Running a game is an amazing experience. But if I were to be honest, I love World Building and Adventure Development the most.

I started blogging in 2009 with the Lead Addict Blog ( ). It was focused on my second love, miniature gaming. I started calling my painting and gaming workshop the Closet of Doom in 2009. Mostly because it was always a wreck of disorganized chaos and scratch building. After I completely remodeled the area I was in it was christened The Workshop of Doom in 2010. I finally had a great and organized workshop to ply my gaming obsessions.

I made numerous other blogs. And most were about RPG’s and my reawakening interest in them. Some of the ideas from those blogs will be features of the Workshop of Doom Blog and the You Tube Channel.

SO, I want to leap into this effort with both feet, eyes wide open, and excited. I can't wait to discuss the things that have made gaming so great in my life. I hope only to provide my personal perspective into an already saturated world of bloggers and You Tubers talking about gaming and TTRPG’s.

I will be posting regular features, and also wherever the world is taking me. I hope to have a supporting You Tube Channel as well. I am excited to focus my efforts on The Workshop of Doom. I hope you will join me in this strange bit of alchemy.


Lead Addict
